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Ethnic Rhinoplasty Specialist NYC

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Are All Plastic Surgeons Qualified To Perform Ethnic Rhinoplasty?


Because most rhinoplasty in the U.S. is geared towards Caucasians, there are some plastic surgeons who aren’t fully aware of the subtleties of ethnic rhinoplasty. A “one-size-fits-all” approach—most often taken by surgeons who aren’t rhinoplasty specialists—often ends in imperfect results and unhappy patients.

For that reason, you should look for a specialist facial plastic surgeon, and particularly someone with experience in ethnic rhinoplasty. A doctor who performs a multitude of nose jobs every year will likely be more reliable than a doctor who dabbles in everything. This surgeon do would also provide more affordable options.

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Why is it important to seek out an experienced plastic surgeon for ethnic rhinoplasty?


Any rhinoplasty surgery requires an experienced plastic surgeon because of the complexity of the surgery. In the case of ethnic rhinoplasty (which is its own specialty), those of us with experience understand that there are aspects of this type of surgery that differ from other rhinoplasty, and we know by experience what those differences are.

In the end, the crux of any rhinoplasty surgery is to find that happy medium; balancing beauty and function. An experienced plastic surgeon will understand the importance of facial symmetry and harmony, working hand-in-hand with the patient to create a nose that fits that particular person and that particular person’s comfort level.

To help patients envision their rhinoplasty, we now use virtual imaging technology to take pictures of our patients and demonstrate possible outcomes. I implore all patients looking for this surgery to seek out plastic surgeons with this capability. In my experience, it eliminates a lot of anxiety and helps to build trust and confidence between patient and surgeon.

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 TIPS: Price Estimates of Ethnic rhinoplasty in NYC...

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Ethnic Rhinoplasty: BEWARE of Before & After Pics


Q: How much trust should I put in B & A pics? 

Pictures of the outcomes that a surgeon posts online for public viewing might give you an indication of what they believe to be a successful conclusion. Advanced rhinoplasty doctors are also artists, and rhinoplasty pictures can demonstrate their preferred nose-shaping techniques. If you don't like the way the results turned out, the surgeon might not be the best fit for you. They should share your artistic vision, and you should be drawn to the results. Thus, it is mostly preferred to first check out the surgeon keenly from the aspect of skill/experience and from the point of price.

Q: Are ethnic rhinoplasty prices affordable? 

Short answer: Yes, affordable rhinoplasty NYC DOES exist. Long answer: Overall, the pricing may still depend on the extent of the type of surgery you're looking for. The prices for ethnic rhinoplasty in nyc varies from $4000-10000. With the use of payment plans, it gets more affordable with ethnic rhinoplasty financing - pricing it to around $3000. The pricing for non surgical nose job in new york is also comparatively low.

So, finding affordable ethnic rhinoplasty surgeons in nyc is possible, though it requires lots of research and analysis.

Q: What should I look for in B & A pics of ethnic rhinoplasty surgeons? 
- First, ask yourself: How have they treated cases like yours? 

- And proceed with this question in mind.

Finding pre-operative pictures of patients with "problem" areas comparable to your own is crucial. You may then decide whether you prefer the outcome after seeing the surgeon's method of fixing the problem. But keep in mind that every patient is unique, so even if they initially had comparable problems, your outcomes will never be exactly the same as someone online. Cosmetic surgery is designed to enhance and improve, but not to perfect.

Q: Should I pic a general plastic surgeon or a Board Certified Specialist?

You want a Board Certified Specialist - preferably, one with a lot of nose pictures, emphasizing that one body part? 

To select a physician, pick one who specialises in the field of your desired surgery is crucial. You won't get the sophisticated and consistent attention on difficult rhinoplasty that you require from a highly talented cosmetic surgeon whose practice is focused on, say breast enhancement. 

A rhinoplasty surgeon or an ENT (otolaryingologist) will have a sizable collection of pre and post op pics, accessible to examine in their clinic (instead of online) when it comes to rhinoplasty results - this is due to the fact that many people are reluctant to have their faces seen in public, yet they are glad to share with other patients while they are receiving treatment. 

Ask whether you may view additional images of the findings at the office, if you don't see as many as you'd like (online). A major red flag and a potential sign of inexperience is a complete lack of photo results.
What rhinoplasty before & after photos DON'T tell you:

We're used to making a lot of snap decisions based on what we observe, and sometimes quite fast. Before deciding whether or not ethnic rhinoplasty is the choice for you, there are several things to consider:

1) Make careful to look at the "prior" photos because it's tempting to just consider the final product while admiring the beautiful noses of celebrities or models.
2) Examine the pre-op nose's shape, angles, and distinguishing characteristics to see how they could have affected or constrained the effect.

3) Particular attention should be paid to whether the procedure was a primary or secondary rhinoplasty since the latter presents difficulties and aesthetic restrictions. 

4) If at all feasible, view the images with your surgeon so they can explain in detail what the issues and difficulties were, why the outcome is what it is, and whether you should see this as a realistic objective. 

5) Never forget that your results won't always be the same as those of other individuals. Your own distinctive anatomy and attractiveness serve as the standard for any possible changes.


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